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Library README scraped 2024-03-11


Python TUI framework with mouse support, modular widget system, customizable and rapid terminal markup language and more!

pip3 install pytermgui

PyPi projectCode quality


A much better, more complete version of PTG's core ideas now exists over at Shade 40. While PTG is not yet fully obsolete, those libraries will be the primary focus of development going forward.


Mostly because terminals are cool, but creating terminal apps has historically been difficult. PyTermGUI aims to provide a simple, readable and modular way to make the app of your dreams!

Terminal apps are (often):

  • Easier to install
  • Faster & more resource efficient
  • Less prone to differences between environments (no IE7 here!)

...than their web or native counterparts.


We provide a couple of things to make your life easier:

  • Sensible abstractions over most terminal standards
  • A fully fledged, desktop-inspired window manager system with modals and completely customizable windows
  • Mouse support out of the box with 0 configuration
  • YAML (or Python) based styling engines
  • TIM, our markup language for creating styled terminal text with expressive text, including systems for aliases & macros
  • A bunch of things I can't think of right now 🙂

Additionally, there are a couple of neat tools to make your general Python development easier:

  • An inspection utility
  • A pretty printer for both the REPL and IPython
  • A way to create SVG and HTML screenshots of your terminal


All images below are generated directly from the source displayed by a PyTermGUI-powered SVG exporter tool, Termage.

Your first application, a simple clock:

import time

import pytermgui as ptg

def macro_time(fmt: str) -> str:
    return time.strftime(fmt)

ptg.tim.define("!time", macro_time)

with ptg.WindowManager() as manager:
        ptg.Window("[bold]The current time is:[/]\n\n[!time 75]%c", box="EMPTY")

Since strings are converted into the Label widget, and all widgets use markup for styling, we can use a custom-defined TIM macro function to return the current time. After running the above, you should see something like:

Clock example output

For something a bit more in-depth, see this contact form inspired by asciimatics' example:

import pytermgui as ptg

CONFIG = """
            prompt: dim italic
            cursor: '@72'
            value: dim bold

            border: '60'
            corner: '60'

            border: '96'
            corner: '96'

with ptg.YamlLoader() as loader:

with ptg.WindowManager() as manager:
    window = (
            ptg.InputField("Balazs", prompt="Name: "),
            ptg.InputField("Some street", prompt="Address: "),
            ptg.InputField("+11 0 123 456", prompt="Phone number: "),
                "Additional notes:",
                    "A whole bunch of\nMeaningful notes\nand stuff", multiline=True
            ["Submit", lambda *_: submit(manager, window)],
        .set_title("[210 bold]New contact")


This showcases the YAML-based config system, as well as some additional API. I recommended checking out the source file to see how the submit callback works.

Contact form example output

Not a fan of colors? We've got you!

PyTermGUI is one of the only TUI libraries that offers NO_COLOR support that doesn't suck ruin the usability & design of your apps.

This is how the above example looks like with the environment variable NO_COLOR set to anything. Note how contrast between colors is retained, as well as the inclusion of background colors:

Contact form NO_COLOR output

Older terminals? No problem!

We use algorithms based on human vision to convert and downgrade colors when the current terminal emulator doesn't support them. Here is a cool screenshot:

Contact form NO_COLOR output

Disclaimer: Termage currently doesn't play nicely to changing colorsystems during runtime, so this image had to be captured natively :(

Questions? See the docs!

Pretty much every single name in the library, private or public, has an insightful dockstring attached to it, and we are accumulating a growing amount of walkthrough-based documentations articles. See 'em all on the doc website!

Contributions, issues et al.

If you have any problems using the library, feel free to open up a discussion or raise an issue ticket. If you would prefer to hack on the library yourself, see the contribution guidelines. Pull requests are encouraged, but make sure you aren't trying to fix an issue that others are already working on, for your own sake. 🙂