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Library README scraped 2024-03-11


utility library to find and load configuration files

see the documentation for more information


PyPI - Version

  • pip install config-library
  • pip install config-library[all]
  • pip install config-library[watcher]
  • pip install config-library[json5]
  • pip install config-library[toml]
  • pip install config-library[yaml]

Supported Config-Types

extensionrequireslink (for more information)
.tomlconfig-library[toml] or python3.11+

Install Variations

config-library[all]adds all dependencies from the variations below
config-library[watcher]adds support to watch the config-file for changes
config-library[json5]adds support to load .json5 files
config-library[toml]adds support to load .toml files
config-library[yaml]adds support to load .yaml files

Usage Example

Basic Usage

from configlib import find_and_load

config = find_and_load("app.conf")
# config = find_and_load("app.json")  # format could be easily exchanged
# config = find_and_load("app.toml")  # depending on your needs and preferences
# config = find_and_load("app.yaml")  # and it should continue to work
# config = find_and_load("app.{yml,yaml}")  # (you can also specify multiple)

address = config.get('database', 'address')
# address = config.getstr('database', 'address')  # also possible to ensure it's of type str
port = config.getint('database', 'port', fallback=5000)

Loading specific file

import configlib

config = configlib.load("./app.conf")

Loading from environment

import configlib

config = configlib.load_environ("APP")

Specify/Customise search locations

from configlib.finder import find, places

config_file = find(
    "project-name.conf",  # variant of the config-file to search for is 'app.conf'
    "project-name/settings.conf",  # alternate variant name to search for
    places=[places.local, places.user_conf],  # search in folder and ~/.config/

More in detail

For the more detailed description we will use this code example.

import configlib
config = configlib.find_and_load('project.conf', 'project/app.conf')


The configlib.finder subpackage has a few predefined paths it attempts to search in. In each of these places it attempts to find one of the passed variants (project.conf, project/app.conf). If it can't find one it goes to the next place and repeats this process.

system file-structure

├─ etc/
├─ home/user/
│  ├─ path/to/repo/
│  │  ├─ src/code/
│  │  │  ├─
│  ├─ .config/

places where config-library searches for the config-file

  • /home/user/path/to/repo/src/code/project.conf (next to the started script)
  • /home/user/path/to/repo/src/code/project/app.conf
  • /home/user/path/to/repo/project.conf (next to .git/)
  • /home/user/path/to/repo/project/app.conf
  • /home/user/.config/project.conf (~/.config/)
  • /home/user/.config/project/app.conf
  • /home/user/project.conf (~/)
  • /home/user/project/app.conf
  • /etc/project.conf (/etc/)
  • /etc/project/app.conf


After the search returns a filepath it is passed to the load() function. This function analyzes the file-extension and loads it with the correct loader.

The loader can be extended via the configlib.loader.register_loader decorator. Important is that it should return native types to be compatible with the ConfigInterface

from configlib.loader import register_loader

@register_loader("env", "environ")  # support for *.env or *.environ files 
def custom_loader(fp) -> dict:

Accessing configuration

In the end you get an instance of the ConfigInterface with useful get-methods

from configlib import ConfigInterface
config: ConfigInterface
config.get("database", "address", fallback="localhost")  # gets the value raw as parsed
config.getstr("database", "address", fallback="localhost")  # gets as string
config.getint("database", "port", fallback=5432)  # gets as integer
config.getfloat("database", "timeout", fallback=10.0)  # gets as floating point number
config.getbool("database", "delayed-connect", fallback=False)  # gets as boolean
config.getlist("database", "tables", fallback=[], cast=str)  # gets as list
config.gettuple("database", "tables", fallback=[], cast=str)  # gets as tuple
config.getsplit("database", "tables")  # clean split by `,` or `;`
config.getpath("database", "client-paths", fallback="./")  # returns as pathlib.Path
config.getpaths("database", "client-paths", fallback=[], as_path=True)  # split by os.path.altsep (commonly `:`)
config.getshlex("database", "additional-params", fallback=[])  # split like the command-line
config.getinterface("database")  # gets a new ConfigInterface for sub-option
config.gettype("database", "timeout")  # gets the type/class (e.g. int | float)