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>>> logging_format: str = LoggingFormatBuilder(separator=" | ") \
...     .add_asctime() \
...     .add_levelname(".3") \
...     .add_module("<10") \
...     .add_lineno(">3") \
...     .add_message() \
...     .build()
Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
class LoggingFormatBuilder:

    >>> logging_format: str = LoggingFormatBuilder(separator=" | ") \
    ...     .add_asctime() \
    ...     .add_levelname(".3") \
    ...     .add_module("<10") \
    ...     .add_lineno(">3") \
    ...     .add_message() \
    ...     .build()


    _separator: str
    _parts: t.List[str]

    def __init__(self, *, separator: str = ":"):
        self._separator = separator
        self._parts = []

    def build(self) -> str:
        r""" create the final logging-format """
        return self._separator.join(self._parts)

    def add_field(self, name: str, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" adds a custom field """
        if fmt is None:
        return self

    def add_literal(self, literal: str) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" adds a literal string as given """
        return self

    def add_asctime(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        Human-readable time when the LogRecord was created.
        By default, this is of the form ‘2003-07-08 16:49:45,896’
        (the numbers after the comma are millisecond portion of the time).
        return self.add_field('asctime', fmt)

    def add_created(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" Time when the LogRecord was created (as returned by time.time()). """
        return self.add_field('created', fmt)

    def add_filename(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" Filename portion of pathname. """
        return self.add_field('filename', fmt)

    def add_funcname(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" Name of function containing the logging call. """
        return self.add_field('funcName', fmt)

    def add_levelname(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL). """
        return self.add_field('levelname', fmt)

    def add_levelno(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL). """
        return self.add_field('levelno', fmt)

    def add_lineno(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" Source line number where the logging call was issued (if available). """
        return self.add_field('lineno', fmt)

    def add_message(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" The logged message, computed as msg % args. This is set when Formatter.format() is invoked. """
        return self.add_field('message', fmt)

    def add_module(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" Module (name portion of filename). """
        return self.add_field('module', fmt)

    def add_msecs(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" Millisecond portion of the time when the LogRecord was created. """
        return self.add_field('msecs', fmt)

    def add_name(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" Name of the logger used to log the call. """
        return self.add_field('name', fmt)

    def add_pathname(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" Full pathname of the source file where the logging call was issued (if available). """
        return self.add_field('pathname', fmt)

    def add_process(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" Process ID (if available) """
        return self.add_field('process', fmt)

    def add_processname(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" Process name (if available) """
        return self.add_field('processName', fmt)

    def add_relativecreated(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" Time in milliseconds when the LogRecord was created, relative to the time the logging module was loaded."""
        return self.add_field('relativeCreated', fmt)

    def add_thread(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" Thread ID (if available) """
        return self.add_field('thread', fmt)

    def add_threadname(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" Thread name (if available) """
        return self.add_field('threadName', fmt)

    def add_taskname(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
        r""" asyncio.Task name (if available) """
        return self.add_field('taskName', fmt)


Human-readable time when the LogRecord was created. By default, this is of the form ‘2003-07-08 16:49:45,896’ (the numbers after the comma are millisecond portion of the time).

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_asctime(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    Human-readable time when the LogRecord was created.
    By default, this is of the form ‘2003-07-08 16:49:45,896’
    (the numbers after the comma are millisecond portion of the time).
    return self.add_field('asctime', fmt)


Time when the LogRecord was created (as returned by time.time()).

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_created(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" Time when the LogRecord was created (as returned by time.time()). """
    return self.add_field('created', fmt)

add_field(name, fmt=None)

adds a custom field

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_field(self, name: str, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" adds a custom field """
    if fmt is None:
    return self


Filename portion of pathname.

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_filename(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" Filename portion of pathname. """
    return self.add_field('filename', fmt)


Name of function containing the logging call.

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_funcname(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" Name of function containing the logging call. """
    return self.add_field('funcName', fmt)


Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL).

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_levelname(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL). """
    return self.add_field('levelname', fmt)


Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL).

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_levelno(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL). """
    return self.add_field('levelno', fmt)


Source line number where the logging call was issued (if available).

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_lineno(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" Source line number where the logging call was issued (if available). """
    return self.add_field('lineno', fmt)


adds a literal string as given

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_literal(self, literal: str) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" adds a literal string as given """
    return self


The logged message, computed as msg % args. This is set when Formatter.format() is invoked.

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_message(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" The logged message, computed as msg % args. This is set when Formatter.format() is invoked. """
    return self.add_field('message', fmt)


Module (name portion of filename).

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_module(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" Module (name portion of filename). """
    return self.add_field('module', fmt)


Millisecond portion of the time when the LogRecord was created.

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_msecs(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" Millisecond portion of the time when the LogRecord was created. """
    return self.add_field('msecs', fmt)


Name of the logger used to log the call.

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_name(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" Name of the logger used to log the call. """
    return self.add_field('name', fmt)


Full pathname of the source file where the logging call was issued (if available).

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_pathname(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" Full pathname of the source file where the logging call was issued (if available). """
    return self.add_field('pathname', fmt)


Process ID (if available)

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_process(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" Process ID (if available) """
    return self.add_field('process', fmt)


Process name (if available)

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_processname(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" Process name (if available) """
    return self.add_field('processName', fmt)


Time in milliseconds when the LogRecord was created, relative to the time the logging module was loaded.

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_relativecreated(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" Time in milliseconds when the LogRecord was created, relative to the time the logging module was loaded."""
    return self.add_field('relativeCreated', fmt)


asyncio.Task name (if available)

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_taskname(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" asyncio.Task name (if available) """
    return self.add_field('taskName', fmt)


Thread ID (if available)

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_thread(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" Thread ID (if available) """
    return self.add_field('thread', fmt)


Thread name (if available)

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def add_threadname(self, fmt: str = None) -> 'LoggingFormatBuilder':
    r""" Thread name (if available) """
    return self.add_field('threadName', fmt)


create the final logging-format

Source code in src/loggext/formatting/
def build(self) -> str:
    r""" create the final logging-format """
    return self._separator.join(self._parts)