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Bases: DataProvider

Finds the username and adds it to the LogRecord as username


>>> import logging
>>> UsernameField().install()


On UNIX systems this uses the :mod:pwd module which means root will be reported when :man:sudo is used (as it should). If this fails (for example on Windows) then :func:getpass.getuser() is used as a fallback.

Source code in src/loggext/extradata/
class UsernameField(DataProvider):
    Finds the username and adds it to the LogRecord as `username`

    !!! example
        >>> import logging
        >>> UsernameField().install()

    !!! info
        On UNIX systems this uses the :mod:`pwd` module which means ``root`` will
        be reported when :man:`sudo` is used (as it should). If this fails (for
        example on Windows) then :func:`getpass.getuser()` is used as a fallback.

    def _username(self) -> str:
            import pwd, os
            uid = os.getuid()
            return pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name
        except (ImportError, KeyError):
            import getpass
            return getpass.getuser()

    def add_data(self, record):
        record.username = self._username()